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07 September 2009
Cara Gampang Backup Blog
> hosting yang anda pakai bermasalah, lenyaplah semua data dan hasil kerja
> keras anda selama ini. Karena itu, seorang blogger perlu mempersiapkan
> segala sesuatunya, khususnya dalam masalah penyediaan data cadangan atau
> istilah kerennya Backup Database.
> Syukurlah Binny VA telah membantu kita dengan membuatkan plugin database
> yang sangat powerful dan mudah digunakan ketika kita butuh data cadangan.
> Nama pluginnya Remote Database Backup.
> Silahkan download di
> http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/remote-database-backup/ atau anda bisa
> mencarinya menggunakan fasilitas Add New Plugins blog anda masing-masing.
> Setelah plugin terinstall dan diaktifkan, anda bisa langsung menuju ke menu
> Tools DB Backups. Langkah berikutnya cukup mudah, tinggal klik tombol
> Backup dan anda bisa mendownload database blog anda yang terbaru.
> Untuk menggunakannya jika sewaktu-waktu anda butuh, tinggal masuk ke
> PHPMyadmin blog anda, lalu gunakan menu import. Selesai deh. Database anda
> sudah aktif kembali.
> Untuk file-filenya, berhubung jarang sekali berubah, maka anda cukup
> mendownloadnya melalui file manager atau menggunakan FTP Client favorit
> anda. Yang perlu didownload adalah semua isi folder wp-content.
> Kalau diperlukan, ya anda tinggal upload ulang isi folder wp-content ke
> folder wp-content yang baru. Enak toh, mantap toh? Nah, selamat mencoba
Sumber"Panduan Belajar WordPress.
06 September 2009
Membuat Read More atau Baca Selengkapnya
Untuk versi template classic aku udah pernah bikin tutorialnya, akhir-akhir ini banyak banget yang nanya, akhirnya aku nyari info, malah ketemu di helpnya blogger, How can I create expandable post summaries?. Tapi jangan langsung di cobain, aku udah nyoba beberapa kali tapi gagal kalo ngikutin yang dari helpnya blogger, terutama pada bagian style/css nya.
- Login ke blogger.com, pilih blog yang pengen kamu edit, klik link Layout kemudian masuk ke Edit HTML
- Untuk bisa ngedit template secara keseluruhan, kamu harus centang/tandai/aktifkan Expand Widget Templates
- Masukkan kode berikut sebelum tag
atau tepat sesudah kode
} ]]>
seperti ini:span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}
- Selanjutnya mengatur supaya postingan terpotong, cari kode
dalam template kamu dan tambahkan kode berikut tepat dibawahnya:Read More..
- Nah supaya terpotong, setiap kali kamu posting, klik pada bagian posting dimana kamu pengen tulisan Read More.. muncul, dan ketik
sisa postingan sampai selesai
. Untuk menmbahkan kode ini, ketika posting kamu harus dalam mode Edit HTML bukan Compose
Contoh penulisan posting:
Ini adalah awal berita yang ingin saya potong karena terlalu panjang kalo postingan muncul semua, oleh karena itu saya perlu memotong berita sampai disini saja.
Dan ini adalah sisa postingan saya yang akan saya sembunyikan dan hanya muncul pada saat post page atau link read more.. diklik
Hasil akhir postingan akan seperti ini:
Ini adalah awal berita yang ingin saya potong karena terlalu panjang kalo postingan muncul semua, oleh karena itu saya perlu memotong berita sampai disini saja.Read more..
Selamat Mencoba!
02 August 2009
The Line Jumping Game
The Line Jumping Game : practice word differentiation or review of vocabulary
Students line up in one single file line. The teacher defines the teacher's right side as "animals" and the left side as "numbers." The teacher calls out "penguin," and the students all jump to the teacher's right and then jump back into line. The teacher calls out "53," and the students all jump to the left side and then jump back into line. |
The teacher should do the exercise with the students and list various items within the category as a warm up. You can then try to trick the students by jumping to the wrong side yourself. This will get the students listening and thinking instead of just following you. Once they have gotten a little better, you start the game.
I like to have 2 or 3 rounds where I try to trick them once each round. If they aren't fooled by me jumping to the wrong side they win. It can be done as a knock-out game but I prefer to keep everyone in the game and just reward students with stamps or stickers for each successful round.
The Exercise Game
The Exercise Game: a TPR (Total Physical Response) segment that's much better than Simon Says
I start off with stretching, giving commands like: put your feet together, apart, together, apart, together and touch your toes, stretch and reach for the ceiling, put you hands on your hips and look up, look down, look right, look left...
OK we've done 2 minutes of stretching and now we're ready for some practice. Start calling out actions and doing them along with the students: clap, jump, turn around, sit down, stand up, run... Once they've got the hang of it and have finished the practice, we start the game. You can try to trick them by saying one thing and doing another. Those that aren't fooled win. It can be done as a knock-out game but I prefer to keep everyone in the game and just reward students with stamps or stickers for each successful round.
Creating long lists of actions for them to listen to and then do, gets them talking. Listen: stand up, sit down, clap 3 times, jump 2 times, turn around, fall down. GO! Move: the students will say the words as they do them. It's just natural and now they are saying the words as they do the actions! Then add two more to the list until they can just barely remember and then make that the final round and award prizes to those that successfully complete the routine.
Timed Races
Timed Races: vocabulary review, questions and answer practice, fluency exercises
I use small cards for relay races. Most ESL teachers are familiar with these races, where students pass something asking questions and answering and trying to get the ball or whatever around and be the first to finish. That's great but there are many losers and this gets real boring real quick.
So, I time them. I set a minimum time goal for the first round (practice.) If teams can complete the circuit in that time they win round one. Each team completes the circuit and they have a record for how fast they did it. OK! Now let's try to improve on that time (fluency.) Each time they do it they will get better and they don't have to worry about Mario's team that always finishes first. They only have to beat their own time to win!
It can be as simple as "what's this?" "It's a fox." / "What's he doing?" "He's watching TV." to more advanced "What happened?" "He was run over by aliens." and even longer 2 or 3 questions in one pass:
What's that? |
It's a carrot. |
Do you like carrots? |
No, I don't. They're disgusting. |
What's your favorite vegetable? |
I like tomatoes. |
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